Approach & Methods



Our purpose in this project was to determine the socio technical aspects of a particular technological field through the analysis of a company working on that field. For this purpose, we initially selected machine learning as our field of interest, and begin our search for a company which was working on machine learning. We searched amongst the companies in Cyberpark, and found that the Datateam company was working on machine learning, it was stated in their website. After the company selection, however, we thought that a focus on data science would be more appropriate for the company we selected, even though the company works on machine learning as well. Thus we have decided that our technological field would be data science.

After the selection of the technological field, we began our background research. We researched about data science, its history, current state, undergoing developments in the field, and we also researched about the company we have selected, its areas of interest, operations, products, and technological developments. With the help of this technical research, we also researched for science, technology, and society articles on data science, and based on these findings, we concluded that the responsible data science approach would be suitable for our project, since it incorporates values in the design of new data science applications, which is in relation with our selected technological field. We thought that conducting interviews would be an appropriate way of data collection for our project, and in accordance with our theory of approach, we came up with four interview questions, and we e-mailed the company for conducting interviews. Upon their affirmative reply, we went to the company site in cyberpark, and conducted our interview with one of the company employees, since only one employee was available for an interview at that time. We had to go to the company one more time to conduct two more interviews at a later time, but in the end, we conducted three interviews in total.

With the interviews conducted and data collected, we then began our STS analysis, based on the collected data. We analysed the ways in which data science can affect society, and vice versa. The effects of the technology on different stakeholders and the incorporation of values in the design of data technologies were amongst the important elements of our socio technical analysis. Afterwards, we have put together our research and analysis, and designed this website to demonstrate our project properly.

In all stages of our project, our instructor, Robin Ann Downey, was always willing to help, and her thoughts and advice were very useful for us through the completion of this project. Therefore, we would like to express our thanks and gratitude to her.